Removing stumbling blocks to faith in Christ through education on the scientific and biblical evidence for an ancient creation.
Photo Credit: Joel Duff
Beechnut Photography
Why this Ministry?
Young people raised in many churches are told the Bible teaches a recent six-day creation, and that scientific evidence to the contrary is weak and must be rejected. The actual scientific evidence, however, is much stronger than what is communicated from pulpits and young-earth websites. When students directly engage the scientific evidence in college or later in life, many feel misled by the church, and conclude that it must be their faith in the Bible that was mistaken. Questioning non-believers likewise face a monumental obstacle to faith when told that to accept Christ, they must dismiss what God’s natural creation seems to clearly communicate.
Tragic stories of storm-tossed or fully shipwrecked faith on the reef of young-earth creationism led to the start of Solid Rock Lectures. It is our conviction that an honest study of both Scripture and nature not only leaves ample room for the legitimacy of modern science, but that the agreement between God’s written and natural creations can be breathtaking. Our desire is to remove obstacles to faith, and renew Christians’ ability to marvel and delight in the discoveries God is revealing in nature.
Photo Credit: Joel Duff
Beechnut Photography
Our Statement of Beliefs…
We believe and affirm…
• the authority and infallibility of Scripture
• the reality of miracles
• the deity, virgin birth, and resurrection of Christ
• Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden, and first sin
• the need for the atoning blood of Jesus
• that science is not necessary to understand the intended meaning of Scripture, but can be useful in weeding out unintended secondary interpretations.
SRL would love to partner with you and/or your institution to provide lectures, worshops, and presentations on any array of topics dealing with Biblical and scientific evidence around creation. Our speakers will work with the particular needs, interests, and constraints of your institution regarding the length and subject material covered. Options include chapel presentations, meetings with seminary or college classes, one and two day workshops, and even a week-long university course. (Our most common venue is a one day or day and a half workshop.)
Our highest priority is to seminaries. Most church members look to their pastors for what to believe about science, yet few pastors have the training or background to evaluate the validity of scientific or young-earth claims. To best minister to those in the pews and to the world, pastors need to have at least a basic understanding of the evidence supporting an ancient earth and adaptation of life over time – even if convinced that the scientific conclusions are wrong.
What We Offer…
This visually stunning book is written primarily for nonscientist Christians who have a desire to clearly understand the arguments and evidence in favor of both young- and old-Earth models…
A scientist explores the harmony between Christian faith and science…
See and celebrate the multilayered grandeur conveyed by the first chapter of Genesis…
Testing and verifying old age evidence: Lake Suigetsu varves, tree rings, and carbon-14 by Gregg Davidson and Ken Wolgemuth, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 70(2):75-89, 2018.
This is an expanded and updated version of an earlier paper that appeared in the Creation Research Journal: How old is the earth? What God’s creation professes, CRJ, 35(1), 2012. (scroll to second article)
Genetics, the Nephilim, and the Historicity of Adam, by Gregg Davidson, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 67(1):24-34, 2015.
PCA Geologists on the Antiquity of the Earth, by D. Campbell, L. Campbell, C. Cates, G. Davidson, K. Long, R. Mercer, K. Ratajeski, and D. Young. Modern Reformation, 19(3):6-9, 2010.
Christian Geologists on Noah’s Flood: Biblical and Scientific Shortcomings of Flood Geology, by Gregg Davidson and Ken Wolgemuth, invited essay for BioLogos, 2010.
Flood Geology’s Abominable Mystery, by R. Joel Duff. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 60(3):166-177, 2008.
Where we have been…
Solid Rock Lectures Speakers have traveled all over to teach the truth of God’s creation. From seminaries, to Universities, and beyond, we are dedicated to teaching the science behind God’s word.
Solid Rock Lectures has been to:
Bethel Seminary
Brevard College
Campus Crusade in Rome (Italy)
Charleston Southern University
Covenant Theological Seminary
Annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society
Lancaster Bible College
LeTourneau University
Oberlin College
Messiah University
University of Mississippi
Moody Bible Institute
Multnomah Theological Seminary
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Presbyterian Church of America General Assembly
Seminario Evangélico de Lima (Peru)
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Theological Seminary of Central America (Guatemala)
Uganda Bible Institute (Africa)
Veritas Theological Seminary
And various churches.
Check out The Seven Series Podcast with Gregg Davidson
Welcome to the Seven Series Podcast, where we tap the Biblical number of perfection in creative ways to explore theology, science, and culture. Your Host, Dr. Gregg Davidson, along with various guests, provides insights into Biblical theology, the intersection of the Bible with science, American culture wars and influencers, and political intrigue. Topical links with the podcast title may be on the symbolic use of 7 in the Bible, or a series of 7 episodes, people, examples, points, or minutes. Wait and see how creative we get!